PS Vita Demos (Free)
- The Pinball Arcade Trial
PS Vita Add-Ons
- Ridge Racer Add ons (x2) ($1.99 – $2.99)
- Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection Digital – Price Change (PSP) (now $19.99, original price $29.99)
- Hamsterball (Sale) (PSP) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
- Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Digital) (Price Change) (PS Vita) (now $19.99, original price $39.99)
- Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PSP Digital) (Price Change) (PS3) (now $19.99, original price $29.99)
Game Videos (free)
- Sly Cooper Thieves in Time™ Vita Annouce Trailer