The PS Vita’s latest firmware update adds PSOne compatibility to the console, but there is one big flaw that Sony has failed to mention. Despite Sony releasing over 100 compatible titles in Europe, not all of the titles can be directly downloaded to the console.
The flaw is that gamers must own a PS3 in order to transfer most of the compatible games to their PS Vita. This is a considerable problem if you don’t own a PS3 but purchased a PSOne classic for nostalgia’s sake. Many gamers have found out this the hard way, but Sony should have made this point clear.
Our article about games that can be transferred via a PS3 highlights just how extensive the issue is.
This author wasn’t paying a lot of attention when they wrote this.
First off, as the games are cleared for use they are then added to the PS Vita store. You can’t buy PS1 classics without a VITA or a PS3.
So the entire premise of this article is pointless.
If you bought the PS1 classic off of the Vita store it obviously works. If you bought it off the PS3 store you can likely use your PS3 to transfer it over. Pretty straightforward.
Sony says there is a problem with downloading Final Fantasy 7 and 8 directly to Vita, and are working on the issue. So, the problem does exist in part.
@Jeremy can’t you read?
Not all 100+ PSOne classics compatible with the PS Vita in Europe appear to work. You can buy them from the store, since they are “officially” supported, but you cannot download them to the system/.
You live in Englewood, Colorado so how could you possible know? (Now ask me how I know that!?)
Sony’s failed to mention (or rather lie) about a lot of things this gen. That is why they are in such a bad shape now. Overhype and underdeliver!
i am pretty sure u can use media go to tranfer it.
ot will be able to.
I downloaded ff7 directly into my vita with no problems so far
This is such a non-story. I’ll put money on it that very few Vita owners don’t also own a PS3, and aside from that, the bug is known and will probably be fixed within a day or two, or a week at most.
The PS3 and PS Vita are not the only ways of purchasing PSOne games, for those that are complaining that this is not a big issue. PSOne classics purchased via Media Go or the PSP won’t be transferable to the Vita unless you have a PS3.